Probleme, Fragen und Diskussionen zur MagicQ Software (im allgemeinen), z.B. Syntax, Patching, Paletten, FX usw.
Bitte hier keine Hardware-Fragen!
By Machtl
Wie bereits angekündigt gibts jetzt die erweiterten Media-Funktionen, sowie Fader im Execute-Window :-)

MagicQ version

New Functions

Pixel Mapper

The internal pixel mapper has been improved so that it is now possible to control pixel
mapping from within the Media Window. The internal pixel mapping appears as a media
merver just like an external media server. When the internal Pixel Mapper is patched for a
grid then MagicQ sets up the media settings automatically so that the Pixel Mapper appears in
the Media Window.

Once a grid has been designed in the Plan View of the Outputs Window, then pressing the
PATCH PIXMAP soft button automatically patches the internal pixel mapper (personality
generic bitmapfx2).

MagicQ asks the user to specify the number of layers required and will patch that number of
layers (generic bitmapfx2 heads). The layers will be named according to the grid that is
selected in the Outputs Window. MagicQ uses head numbers above the other patched fixtures

When operating on a layer within the pixel mapper it will default to operating on the grid that
was selected when it was patched. MagicQ now overrides the default value for Grid Number
specified in the Head Editor for generic bitmapfx2.

MagicQ automatically adds the settings for the Pixel Mapper to the Media View of the Setup
Window. This enables the Pixel Mapper to be accessed immediately from the Media Window
without further set up.

User pictures and movies can be loaded into the internal pixel mapper directly from the Media
Window using the LOAD PIC / LOAD MOVIE soft button available when the Pixel Mapper
server is selected and the appropriate Media Bank is selected.

MagicQ supports picture files in .bmp or .jpeg format. Movie files should be converted into
.cmv format using the MagicQ Media Centre application (installed as part of the MagicQ PC

Text strings can be entered directly into the appropriate box.

Execute Window

The Execute Window now supports faders as well as buttons. Cue Stacks and Cues can be
represented as faders. To set a Cue Stack or Cue as a fader, move the cursor to the item and
press SOFT button E to toggle between button and fader. A ‘F’ appears in the corner of the
item when it is set to be a fader. Faders are only shown in Execute View, not in Design View.

Faders can be twice as tall as buttons. When setting faders in the Execute Window leave the
box below the fader free. The fader will automatically be adjusted in the Excute View to fill
the two boxes.

Soft button B has been renamed “Appearance” and it is now possible to select “Boxes” or
“Coloured” for the appearance of the buttons and faders. Names for buttons and faders now
use a bold font.

It is possible to set custom pictures for the buttons in the Execute Window. Move the cursor
to the button you wish to set a custom bitmap on and then press the BUTTON BITMAP
button and select the a picture file (bmp or jpeg).

If you wish to have separate button images for a button when it is inactive and active then
create 2 image files named with “up” and “dn” as the last 2 characters of the filename before
the file extension – for example

When selecting the file, choose the “up” file. MagicQ will automatically substitute the “dn”
file when the button is active.

Playback mode

A new mode has been added to MagicQ PC which enables MagicQ to be run in a pure
“Playback” mode. This mode is selected by clicking on the new Playback mode Icon on the
desktop or in the Programs, ChamSys MagicQ PC menu.

Playback mode is only supported when connected to a MagicQ Wing or MagicQ USB
interface. The MagicQ interface must be connected and powered on before MagicQ is started
in Playback mode.

In Playback mode MagicQ it is not possible to record or make changes to the show data.
MagicQ will not save the show files / status files. Changes (e.g. change of chase speed) will
be lost when the application is stopped and restarted.

Playback Mode shows a much reduced set of buttons on the screen – only buttons required for
show playback are shown.

In Playback Mode only pages of playbacks that have been programmed are shown – pressing
NEXT PAGE will automatically change to the next programmed page and will cycle around
all programmed pages.

Bug fixes

When using the manual master to crossfade Cues, MagicQ did not take into account if a
Preload (jump to another Cue) was set.

Retrieving thumbnails for Catalyst would not work unless the thumbnails for all banks were
retrieved together.
By Leo
Also die neuen Funktionen mit seperatem Playback Programm und den Fadern im Executer machen MagicQ nun endgültig Discotauglich.
Bisher hats bisher immer an virtuellen Fadern gehapert .. sehr sehr geil.

Aber ich denke auch im Livebetrieb werde ich die Executer Fader fleissig verwenden :)
By C. Conrad
MagicQ version

New Functions

Keyboard Macros

Added support for playback of keyboard macros using the times that the macro was recorded
with or using external time code sources. By default macros are played back using
By C. Conrad
MagicQ version

New Functions

When changing pages and using “Activate on page changeâ€
By dexxta
moin moin,

woher kann ma denn die neue beta beziehen? finde auf nur die

schöne grüße aus dem frankenland

By dexxta
vielen dank gunnar für den tipp ;)

dann werd ich jetzt mal meinen rest an englischkenntnissen ausgraben und ne mail an chamsys tippen :)

gruß rené
By Benni
Eine Frage an die anderen User von Chamsys. Hat jemand bei der Beta noch Probleme mit Intensety Mastern. Wenn ich Fader als Intensity Master anlege macht der gar nicht mehr. Geht auch kein Dimmer an der Lampe auf. Ich speichere vorher ganz normal ein Playback mit Intensity Open drauf. Stelle dann den Fader um.

hat jemand dieses Problem noch gehabt. Hatte dies jetzt schon auf 2 verschiedenen Maxi Wings.


By Pyro
Habs grad mal ausprobiert...bist nicht der einzigste, bei mir gehts auch nicht.
Liegt also vermutlcih an der Beta.
By C. Conrad

hmm, ich bin mir fast sicher, dass ich das letztens noch mit der aktuellen Beta probiert habe.

Ihr habt auch das Playback, auf dem der Intensity Master liegt, mir GO aktiviert?? Wenn Ihr das nämlich nicht macht, passiert auch nix.

Nur mal so ne Idee...

Werds aber gleich selber mal testen...

Gruß und schönen Tag,
der Christian
By Machtl
MagicQ version

New Functions


MagicQ supports a timeline facility for viewing the contents of Cues in a Cue Stack in a
timeline format. Open the Timeline Window using the Timeline Button (on consoles this is
the 4th spare button next to the Media button).

Use encoders A to specify the level of detail shown for each head and encoder B to choose
specific attribute masks.

Encoder D is used to modify the horizontal scale to choose how many Cue Steps are shown in
the window.

Use encoders X and Y to scroll around the timeline.

By default all of the heads in the Cue Stack on the selected Playback are shown – use the SEL
HDS ONLY soft button to make it only show the currently selected heads from that Playback.

View Vals and View Raw can be used to view the data values rather than the timeline.

Note that the Timeline is still under development and testing - we recommend that it is used
during programming rather than show playback.

Network and USB refresh rates

By default MagicQ now sets the reduced rate DMX in Setup, View Settings, Hardware to
“Mixed + Changes only”. This reduces the amount of network/usb traffic when DMX values
are not changing. It also interleaves the ArtNet frames so that ArtNet devices with small
buffers will still be able to decode the correct ArtNet universes on heavily loaded networks.

Consoles and PC installations that have been programmed on older versions of MagicQ
software will automatically have this option turned to “Mixed + Changes only” when the
system is first started after the upgrade. Users can change the setting back to the previous
setting if required. The previous setting “Normal” has been renamed “Continuous”. We
recommend using the “Mixed + Changes only” option as your normal setting particularly
when using wireless networking.

Data packets sent to WWIWYG and Capture are now only sent when the data changes – thus
significantly reducing network traffic when data is not changing. The “reduced rate DMX”
options do not affect the WYSIWYG or Capture data.

The DMX data sent to MagicQ Wings and Interfaces is now only sent when the data changes
– this reduces USB data traffic. When the data is constantly changing there will be no
difference. The RX data LED on MagicQ Wings & Interfaces shows the level of DMX traffic – when
DMX data is not changing this LED will flicker a few times a second instead of being
on constantly.

Other Changes

Increased maximum number of Cue Stacks from 1000 to 2000.

Copying of head programming now copies the timing as well as the attributes.

Support for copying of programming between groups of heads using the Group window.

Improved USB fault diagnosis. Added USB transmit/receive statistics to Setup, View System, View Status.

Increased maximum hold time for the action buttons (Record, Include, Set etc..) so that users can press the keys for longer.

Pressing SHIFT + UNDO now resets all LEDs on MagicQ consoles and Wings to their correct state.

Support for Pro Touch serial protocol for use with Pro Touch touch screens.

Bug fixes

Fixed HTP stomping so that playbacks set with “All channels controlled LTP” can stomp other playbacks regardless of HTP level.

Fixed bug in Media Window with box redraw after changing the size of the overall MagicQ window, or changing between Normal and MaxiWing mode on PC systems.

Multiwindow settings were overwritten when starting a new show or loading a show.

Playback rates did not take into account Wait times correctly.

Fixed bug when using Hog II Warp (or settings where the Programmer overrides FX from Playbacks) with the programmer. When adjusting values using the encoders the attributes would fade back from the previous FX position.

Fixed bug when using FX fade in and fade out times. The first time the fader was moved after the FX was started the FX would jump.

Fixed problem when using Hog II Warp (or settings where the Programmer overrides FX from Playbacks) with FX fade out times within a Cue Stack. FX would not fade out smoothly when individual channels were set to specific values (no FX). The fade was smooth if using
the “Zero Old FX” Cue Stack step option to zero all tracked FX.
Fix to board LED test which could leave LEDs on incorrectly.
By Machtl

hat von euch auch wer probleme mit der

bei mir bockt das ding irgendwie ein wenig rum, manchmal reagieren softbuttons einfach nicht, lassen sich also nicht drücken.

wollte gerade ein kleines setup bauen für eine ambientbeleuchtung wo nur mal eben ein laptop und ein enttec pro stehen soll, und ich konnte z.B. unter Setup die DMX I/O taste zwar am bildschirm drücken, aber es passierte nichts.
oder z.B. wollte ich im color window die farben der LED Pars einstellen. der softbutton (rauf-runter button neben dem "drehencoder") funktioniert bie rot und grün ganz normal, bei blau keine reaktion.

mit dem maxiwing dran und einem software neustart keine probleme, aber irgendwie schon sehr komisch...

By C. Conrad
Hi Martin,

also gestern Abend (Samstag, 23.5) hab ich die frisch auf die MQ200 Pro aufgespielt und damit ne kleine Gala-Show gefahren.
Ich konnte keinerlei Probleme feststellen. Ok, das dumme (eigentlich feine) Random Select bei den Gruppen spinnt immer noch und wirft ab und an mal ein paar Heads raus. Chris meinte, er wüßte woran es liegt, wäre aber nicht so einfach zu fixen :-(

Achja, während die Show läuft (diverse Chaser und FXe aktiv) sollte man nicht mit dem FileManager das Showfile-Verzeichnis aufräumen.
Irgendwann verschiebt er keine Dateien mehr und meldet aber auch keinen Fehler. Das Problem: irgendwann waren meine Lampen aus (Dimmer zu und keine FXe mehr) :-(
Nach CLEAR und BACKSPACE gings dann wieder ;-)

Und die Datei "Default.set" und "Status.dat" im Show-Verzeichnis sollte man auch nicht löschen oder verschieben! ;-)

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