Probleme, Fragen und Diskussionen zur MagicQ Software (im allgemeinen), z.B. Syntax, Patching, Paletten, FX usw.
Bitte hier keine Hardware-Fragen!
By Machtl
MagicQ version

New Functions


Added option to enable easier patching of dimmers – View Settings, Keypad, Keypad Syntax
Theatre Patch. When this option is set to “yes” the keypad can be used to patch a dimmer or
moving light directly to a DMX address and head number – e.g.
Improved status messages when handling bigger shows including loading of shows, saving
shows, repatching heads.

Reselecting heads using Palettes and Intensities (Active Palette and Active Intensity)

To reselect all heads using a particular palette, hold ALL and press the palette entry.
<Hold ALL> <Green>
Or use the keypad
<Hold ALL> <COL 5 ENTER>
To reselect all heads at or above an intensity level hold ALL and type the level. Then release
ALL or press ENTER.
<Hold ALL> <50 ENTER>
To reselect all heads at a specific intensity level hold ALL and type @ followed by the level.
Then release ALL or press ENTER.
<Hold ALL> <@ 60 ENTER>


Added FX speed, size and crossfade encoders to the FX Window. These encoders apply
changes to the FX of the currently selected heads. Note they affect all FX running on those
heads so if the head has a circle and a CMY colour FX then both will be changed. To change
FX individually use the encoders in the Programmer Window, FX View.
Waveform FX can now have more than 3 attributes. Note that shows that use Waveform FX
with more than 3 attributes will not run correctly on older versions of software.
Creating Waveform FX from Chases now supports any number of attributes. If the Cue Stack
has more than 1 attribute in it, then the user is prompted to choose which attributes to use in the Waveform FX. It is recommended that only a small number of attributes are stored in Waveform FX – e.g. just position, colour mix or intensity. For more complex FX store the
FX in the FX Window and save to a FX Library.
If only 1 attribute is chosen then the user is prompted with the option to make the FX apply to
any attribute.

Web Server

Added Clear, Group, Next Head and Highlight buttons to the web remote keypad.
There is now support for user HTML pages. These pages should be stored in the web folder
and their name should start with “user” e.g. user1.html, user2.html. The MagicQ remote
commands can be sent from the HTML using the button/input types to submit.
Code: Alles auswählen
<head><META NAME="HandheldFriendly" content="True"><META
NAME="MobileOptimized" CONTENT="240">
<title>MagicQ User HTML Page</title>

<!-- User forms must start with the name user - e.g. user1, user2 -->
<!-- Remote commands can be found in the MagicQ manual -->

<FORM ACTION="user.html" name="user" METHOD=GET>

<!-- Remote commands are sent using input types -->
<!-- Place the command in the value and set the name to "cmd" -->

<input type="submit" value="1T" name="cmd">
<input type="submit" value="1U" name="cmd">

<!-- Or as button types -->
<!-- Note for Internet Explorer to work the value feature below is not
used and you must put the remote command in the name after cmd -->

<button type="submit" name="cmd1T" value="1T">PB1 act</button>
<button type="submit" name="cmd1U" value="1U">PB1 rel</button>
Other changes

Added new programming mode “FILM MODE” – this is similar to “Hog II Warp” but
designed for Film settings.
Improved performance on larger shows with lots of heads when doing a Locate or activating
heads or attributes in the programmer.
Added new reduced rate output mode to reduce network activity when using lots of ArtNet /
Visualiser universes. Set Vie Settings, Hardware, Reduced Rate Output to “Change” or
“Mixed + Changes”. ArtNet and Visualiser packets will then only be sent on changes rather
than repeatedly.
If a Playback is set to “HTP Always Active” then raising the fader or pressing the FLASH
button will not use any specified Intensity delay or fade times. If the Cue Stack has multiple
steps then delay and fade times will still be used when changing steps – i.e. pressing the GO
or BACK buttons.
There is now an option in Setup Window, View Settings, Windows to choose how speed is
displayed for chases and FX - seconds, BPM, or frames.
Improved AutoPatch and Auto Focus with WYSIWYG to support selection of generic lights
and lamps with multiple dimmers.
The keypad always select options have been expanded to support a “Strict Mode”. In this
mode it is not possible to toggle or choose items simply using the ENTER key. You must use
SET first. This should help keypad fanatics to avoid setting options in Windows accidentally.
Added new Cue Stack macros to activate (E) and release (F) Cue Stacks. For example, E1
activates Cue Stack 1. This has the same effect as testing the Cue Stack in the Cue Stack
Store window.
Added new Crossfade Master options for controlling Cue Stack Rate Master and Cue Stack
Global Rate Master. The existing Rate Master and Global Master have been modified so that
they affect both the Cue Stack times and FX times.

Bug fixes

Fixed problem with calibration of external touch screens – calibration might not work if the
bottom left cross was pressed to close to the bottom left. In these cases press the cross
slightly higher and to the right than the centre of the cross.
Fixed problem when morphing from a head with only Col wheels to a head with CMY – it
would expand the colour channels incorrectly causing erroneous parameter information in the
Palettes and Cues.
Outputs Window, View Chans, View Int window did not scroll down correctly which meant
that it was not possible to view all of the patched heads in larger shows. This affected both
the Outputs Window and the Outputs Info Window whichever monitors (internal or external)
they were displayed upon.
Clicking on Sub menus in the Setup and Cue Stack Windows would not work correctly on
MagicQ PC when using large screen resolutions or when MagicQ PC was run in MaxiWing
Setting numeric values onto Beam encoders for Bitmap FX page 1 and page 3 would
erroneously try to set text.
Fixed problems on consoles where repatching or morphing a large number of heads at one
time with a large show (lots of Cues) could take a longer time than the internal watchdog
causing the console to auto reset.
WYSIWYG Auto Patch. On MagicQ consoles and MagicQ Linux the auto patch sometimes
failed to map the Wysiwig patch name to the MagicQ patch name event though the names
were correct in the headmapcapture.csv mapping file. This affected Dimmers and a few other
In the Macro Window moving keyboard macros from one position to another would not work
correctly after a show was saved and reloaded.
A reset could occur during test mode if a head with multiple elements was patched and then
the repeated / extra elements were repatched away from the main element or removed.

MagicQ version

New Functions


Added option to enable easier patching of dimmers – View Settings, Keypad, Keypad Syntax
Theatre Patch. When this option is set to “yes” the keypad can be used to patch a dimmer or
moving light directly to a DMX address and head number – e.g.
10 @ 2 – 5 will patch head number 10 to Universe 2 channel 5.
In the Patch Windows the soft buttons have been re-arranged slightly to enable support of
CHOOSE MEDIA SERVER. Renumber head number option is now under SHIFT +
If you have not chosen a head and you press EDIT HEAD it will edit the head where the
cursor is.

Other changes

It is now possible to reset an entry in the Wing or Media Server views of the Setup Window
by using the REMOVE key in Column 1 of the field you wish to reset.
New shortcut for making all attributes of the selected heads active – hold * and press SET.
New shortcut for recording a snapshot. Hold THRU and press REC.
Linux version – ability to set screen size for the Linux window – this enables reduced size
screens – e.g. the 1024x600 resolution used on micro PCs such as the Acer One. In Setup,
View System, View Remote set the first window to the required size. The window should be
set to disabled.
Improved the Execute Window – now it is possible to set the execute buttons to be of type
Ellipse in both Windows and Linux. By default the buttons are now coloured according to
their function. When that function is active the button appears brighter.
Improved the re-draw speed in MagicQ Linux and MagicQ Mac.

Bug fixes

Fixed problem with merging 2 versions of the same show together.
By Machtl
:-) also schon ein paar sehr geile Sachen dabei. Vorallem die Ergänzungen vom Webserver.

Mehr wie 3 Attribute im FX, yeah.

"Film Mode" ?

CueStacks im CueStackStore Window direct via Macro aufrufen :-)

Farbige Execute Buttons in Abhängigkeit von deren Funktion :-)
By patriche
Machtl hat geschrieben: Farbige Execute Buttons in Abhängigkeit von deren Funktion :-)
Oma lässt grüßen...
By Steffen
kann mir das Ding mal einer zukommen lassen? Chris hat meine Beta-Anfrage immer noch nicht erhört...

Farbige Executor-Buttons: Da wart ich schon ewig drauf...